Friday, December 30, 2011
Here's to 2012!
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
The Guiltless Resolution

The key to making resolutions work is to pick ones that are actually good for you.
1. Lose -insert#- pounds.
2. Eliminate -insert food-
3. Run 6 miles every single day.
These types of resolutions are only setting you up for disappointment. They are restrictive and hard on you. You are immediately in their debt the minute you commit. There is no escape. Let's resolve to not resolve to these this year.
1. Incorporate at least one fun activity into my life like hiking or swimming or kayaking or whatever you've been meaning to try.
2. Get even more comfortable in the kitchen by challenging myself with new, interesting, and colorful recipes or by purchasing that new appliance I've been saving for!
3. Spend more time with my loved ones and be more expressive about how important they are to me.
4. Schedule in "me-time" every week and give myself the attention I deserve.
Will you share one of your 2012 resolutions with us?
Monday, December 26, 2011
Self Worth in a Can
Unfortunately last time I checked you can't buy Self-Worth in a can
But here's some gifts you can give your self to boost your own self-worth:
- Compliment at least one part of your body or personality-daily
- Tell someone else how much to appreciate them, being as open and honest as possible
- Learn to say no to things to don't help or support you and your journey.
- Stand tall and project confidence, even on days when you're not feeling your best. The way you do and say things speaks more than words sometimes.
- Take at least 5 minutes out of your day to do something for yourself. Think about how many hours you spend doing something for other people and realize that you can make time just for you.
- Trust yourself and your intuition.
- Stop comparing yourself to others
- Smile
And build up your self-esteem day by day! Maybe that should be our new year's "resolution"...
How do you increase your own self-worth?
Friday, December 23, 2011
Peace, Joy, Love

Photo Credit
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Try This Instead
So after work, I went home tired, hungry, and a little annoyed at myself for being too tired to exercise. Does this situation sound familiar? If you're a full-time working human, I'd be surprised if it did not. Typically in a society where we put extreme pressure on ourselves to perform our best, look our best, and be the best all.the.time., this type of scenario would cause pangs of guilt. But as soon as I started to feel the negativity crawl up into my mind, I remembered the Guiltless philosophy. So instead of feeling guilty, I tried these things instead (and ended up having a fabulous evening and waking up feeling rested and ready to go):
1. Call a close friend who you haven't talked to in a while. Talking to a loved one always lifts my spirits. Even just hearing their voice and listening to their life updates can put a huge smile on your face. (Takes as long as you want...on average 10-30 minutes)
2. Try a new recipe and whip up a healthy dinner. Sure, when you're tired, the last thing you want to do is cook. But what if you had an interesting new recipe that you've been meaning to try? That might spike your interest and get you excited to be in the kitchen. Here's a nice balanced meal to try: Roasted Fish & Veggies w/Quinoa and Pine Nuts from Whole Foods. (Takes about 35 minutes)
3. Put on your favorite Pandora station while you cook and do the dishes. Listening to music is a great way to create a relaxing and fun atmosphere. Usually, mundane house chores are done in silence, but that is boring! Make it fun by listening to your favorite tunes. (Takes 10 minutes on average to do the dishes)
4. Pick up that book you've been meaning to read. Reading for a little while can whisk you out of reality and into a new realm. I recommend the Hunger Games Trilogy. (Takes as much time as you want...10-30 minutes on average)
5. Burn your favorite scented candle. Aromatherapy is no joke. Not only does candle light create a cozy atmosphere, but your favorite scent has the power to put you in an excellent mood. My favorite right now in a pine scented candle. (Takes 30 seconds.)
6. Do some yoga stretches. Even when you're body is literally rejecting the gym, you can still do some stretches at home on your yoga mat. Fitting in a little light yoga during your night will do the body and the mind good. Here's a great book to accompany your yoga practice: Light on Yoga (Takes 15 minutes or as long as you want.)
In an appoximately 90 minutes or so, you've achieved some quality "me-time." So instead of feeling guilty about skipping your after work activities for a little R&R, try this instead.
What are your favorite "me time" activities?
Be well, and enjoy the day!
Monday, December 19, 2011
Photoshop and Virtual Bodies
The thing that really tipped me over the edge was the fact that H&M has decided to only use virtual models to highlight their clothes now. Apparently "The demands are so great that H&M, among the poor photo models, cannot find someone with both body and face that can sell their bikinis" says their spokesperson. Well if there's not a supermodel in the world "pretty enough" to wear their bikinis or lingerie there's no way I'll ever be shopping at their stores again.
H&M released a pathetic faux apology: "It is regrettable if we have led anyone to believe that the virtual mannequins should be real bodies. "
Beauty Redefined did a fantastic post about how Photoshop alters our perception of reality. It's a really a must-read with fantastic illustrations.
Model's hips and waist "too big"? Why not just get rid of them?
Spend 10 seconds of your life toggling between these "before" and "after" examples of celebrities and i guarantee next time you open up a magazine you'll take a more critical look.
But on the brightside: Procter and Gamble has recently refused to show ads for cosmetic companies that feature unrealistic images. Because I'd like to see how Covergirl mascera really looks on my eyelashes, instead what it can look like if photoshop makes them 30x thicker.
And everytime we expose the behind the scenes, and understand what those pictures really look like, I think we all grow a little stronger and wiser. Or at least I hope so!
What do you think? Will Photoshop ever disappear? Is it for good or evil?
Friday, December 16, 2011
Bollywood Beauty

“It’s beautiful to be a woman. Every woman is different: if we were all the same, it’d be boring.” -Vidya Balan Bollywood's Curvy Renaissance
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Changing the focus on appearance one little girl at a time
Bloom says that by complimenting a girl's appearance before her intellect, we are "teaching girls that their appearance is the first thing you notice.." and that "looks are more important than anything." As I read through her article, I sheepishly recalled the thousands of times I greeted my nieces with "You look so beautiful!"/"Look at that gorgeous hair!"/"I love this outfit!"/"Are you the cutest thing ever or what?" Sigh. It's hard not to oogle over their beauty, but their minds are just as amazing and easy to compliment. Time to make a change.
Read the article.
It's just so true. Let's take a cue or two from Ms. Bloom and start inspiring the little girls in our lives to grow up as confident, capable, world-changing women. Hopefully the popular media will follow our lead.
What's your take on this? We'd love to hear your comments.
Lisa Bloom is on Twitter and Facebook.
Monday, December 12, 2011
Guiltless Recommends: Love Yourself Challenge

Friday, December 9, 2011
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Mirror Mirror on the Wall
Mirrors make it easy to view our physical reflections, but how often do you reflect on your thoughts, actions, and emotions? Probably not as often as you do your hair! But the physical mirror is in fact a reflection on our feelings, because oh so many come up when we look at (ahem, judge) ourselves. What do you say we take a break from all that inner mean girl talk and start feeling thankful for the bodies we have? I say we go for it. "Who's coming with me?!"
The next time you look in the mirror, think happy thoughts. What are you proud of? The legs that carry you through the long days? The eyes that allow you to take in both the beauty and hardships of the world? The mouth that lets you smile, eat, drink, taste, laugh? All of the above.
The less critical we are of our physical body, the happier our emotional body will be. The more attention we pay to this connection, the easier it will be to build healthier self esteem and therefore live a little bit happier. We've had a lifetime of training in the opposite direction from this. We are constantly under pressure to be perfect. But we are all perfect in our own way, and it's time we start appreciating our unique traits, both inside and out.
Please share with us one positive thought you had when you looked in the mirror today!
Be well, and enjoy the day.
Monday, December 5, 2011
Guiltless Recommends: Body Image Advent Calender

Want a sneak preview of the topics we have to look forward to? Look no further and join in the converation!
- 5th A girl’s perspective
- 6th Fad diets, would you?
- 7th Fat Talk- how does it affect you?
- 8th How does fashion fit into body image?
- 9th Your body growing up- what was it like in school?
- 10th Pregnancy
- 11th Your perception of eating disorders
- 12th Scars? an eyesore or a story?
- 13th Older people, do you think about your body image?
- 14th Plastic surgery- are you for or against?
- 15th How would you define beauty?
- 16th Bad Hair Day! How important is your hair to you?
- 17th Sport- is there more pressure?
- 18th Piercing and tattoo’s- love, hate or regret the day? Would you have them?
- 19th Advertising- is it too much?
- 20th Ethnicity- different ideals?
- 21st Disability- how does it change your outlook on beauty?
- 22nd Teens- Body image hell, or learning to love it?
- 23rd All I want for Christmas… If you could see one thing changed what would it be?
- 24th Nick and Sarah talk about their December adventure!
Friday, December 2, 2011
I was tired . . .
Tired of the endless struggle to have a perfect body.
Tired of constantly thinking about how I could lose weight.
Tired of planning every meal.
Tired of comparing myself to other ‘better’ women.
Tired of always coming up short.
I was tired of being in an abusive relationship with my body.
So, I decided to do something about it. I set out to see if I could actually love, accept and appreciate the body I had?
Could I love this body at the 130 lbs she wanted to be, instead of the 113 lbs I was trying to force her to be? Could I love the dimples (aka cellulite) on my butt and thighs? Could I love the furrowed brow? The large pores? The small breasts?

I didn’t know if those things were possible, but one thing I knew for sure was that I couldn’t continue living the way I was. It was killing me.
The journey I went on took some time, exploration and A LOT of tears. BUT, I’m happy to share that all the angst was worth it. See, I got there . . . I got to a place of love, acceptance & appreciation for MY body. For the amazing body I have been blessed with in this life.
This new way of being completely changed the course of my life and work. I don’t know if you’ve ever felt a calling in your life, but that is definitely how I would describe what happened to me next.
Because I knew the torture and torment that so many woman go through, I couldn’t keep my experience a secret. I had something to share. Something that could change their lives. And I wanted to shout it from the rooftops. I wanted to free women all over the world from their self-punishment cage.
This calling led me to a change in careers. I went from a somewhat successful acting career to being an entrepreneur. Had you told me five years ago that I would be working with women, guiding them to a greater love of their bodies, I would’ve thought you were crazy. But, that’s the thing about a calling. A deep desire to share something you’ve experienced. It doesn’t let you go.
So, I formed my own company called bodyheart. An organization devoted to liberating women from their body-punishment prison. Our mission is to change not only women, but the world.
I believe the world will be a better place when women are free to shine and one area where we continue to oppress ourselves is through our relationship with our bodies. How we feel inside our bodies and what we think about our bodies affects EVERYTHING we do. So, when we can define our own standards of beauty and celebrate all we have, then we are FREE.

Our campaign is a statement of how worthy and gorgeous we already are. I wanted to show the current media that un-retouched images can be stunning! I wanted women to witness REAL Beauty - their own real beauty - and let that affect how they think about their bodies. I also wanted women to start thinking about the parts of their bodies that they love, instead of what they hate.
This campaign has taken on a life of it’s own, and it is available to you should you choose to be a part of it. We accept submissions from women all over the world. You can find out more about it here.
To you, reading this post, I believe you are already on this path of greater acceptance, love & freedom or you wouldn’t be on this page right now. And, I want to say thank you for lighting the way. Thank you for leading by example and cracking open the beauty oppression we’ve bought into for so long.
Change begins with one. And soon that one allows another to take a step onto the new path and then another and another . . . and that is how paradigm shifts are created.

Peace & Pleasure,