Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The Guiltless Resolution

New Year's resolutions are personal and real. Every year when we ring a new one in, I set aside some time to really think about how I want to change for the better. How can I improve myself and my life? But all too often do we resolve to things that end up hurting us in the end. It's a crime to ourselves when we resolve to lose weight and then end up beating ourselves up over a cookie...or we decide we need to have a regimented gym schedule and end up hating ourselves on the afternoons when we really just need a nap - New Year's resolutions are scary b/c they can easily turn into a source of regret and guilt if not crafted with care.

Let's be Guiltless this year. It all comes down to one perfect resolution that we should all have: Be kind to myself.
Photo Credit

The key to making resolutions work is to pick ones that are actually good for you.

1. Lose -insert#- pounds.
2. Eliminate -insert food- from my diet forever (even though I'm NOT allergic).
3. Run 6 miles every single day.

These types of resolutions are only setting you up for disappointment. They are restrictive and hard on you. You are immediately in their debt the minute you commit. There is no escape. Let's resolve to not resolve to these this year.

1. Incorporate at least one fun activity into my life like hiking or swimming or kayaking or whatever you've been meaning to try.
2. Get even more comfortable in the kitchen by challenging myself with new, interesting, and colorful recipes or by purchasing that new appliance I've been saving for!
3. Spend more time with my loved ones and be more expressive about how important they are to me.
4. Schedule in "me-time" every week and give myself the attention I deserve.

Will you share one of your 2012 resolutions with us?


  1. I am not much of a resolution maker. However this year I am making a 12 item checklist of things I want to accomplish in 2012. The list includes: Going on 12 hikes; Skiing 30 days; Making my own sushi; And cutting my peanut butter consumption down to 2 jars a month as right now I spend way too much money - and devote too much of my daily food intake - to peanut butter!

  2. All sound good to me! (mmm peanut butter...) I might borrow one of those resolutions and try to make my own sushi too. Great idea. Thanks so much for sharing!

  3. Great post. For 2012 I am focusing on DOING more of certain things - visiting my grandma at least 2x this year (pre/post baby), drinking more water and moving my body more (Even in little ways), implementing a weekly tradition in our home, etc. :)

  4. As usual, Stephanie, great points about positive messages and setting yourself up for success as opposed to failure. Keep up the great work. It was awesome to see you this weekend!
