Why yes, yes I do! Here's the Photo Credit
It's not going to solve the problem overnight, but it sure is a step in the right direction!
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Why yes, yes I do! Here's the Photo Credit
-Eleanor Roosevelt
Eleanor was quite a smart woman. Too often I think we think of taking care of ourselves as a luxury. oh I don't have time to care for me-i have too many other things going on! The truth of the matter is, is that without a little self-love and me-time, it's far too easy to start feeling stressed and like things are out of your control.
So step back and devote at least 5 minutes of this brilliant Monday just to you. Take a walk outside. Buy yourself some flowers. Take the time to paint your nails. Put on some soothing music and just relax. feel good about yourself-it's a necessity, not a luxury!
What will you do for YOU today?
Does that sound like "Living Happy"?????? Sure makes me want to improve my health just through plain ol' eating healthy, and getting some movement. While caring for me, in a loving way, no Depends required.
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