We come into this world completely vulnerable, a little shocked, and happily naked before everyone's eyes. We didn't know what love meant, but we felt it. We didn't understand the concept of family, but we knew we were surrounded by loved ones. We'd never heard the word "nutrition" or "calorie," but we were hungry. And we had no idea that there were things about ourselves that would someday make us feel inferior, angry, guilty, etc. Somewhere along the line, we were influenced by outside sources to have certain notions of ourselves. Then one day we realize that we are completely stressed and full of anxiety about things like missing one day at the gym or failing at an attempt to resist the ice cream.
Back up and reverse! Our perceived flaws are actually the unique characteristics that make us interesting and different. Your genes are a code to the coolness that is you. Feel good in them!

Your genes always fit, and they never have to be washed.
They are never too short and never have to be hemmed.
Your genes are not limited to blue, or black or gray.
They are not skinny.
They are not wide.
And they look good with all of your shirts and all of your shoes.
Your genes love wearing you and wouldn't want to be anyone's but yours.
Let them know that the feeling is mutual.
So put on your favorite pair! Be well, and enjoy the day.
best. poem. ever. thank you