Stress. A loaded word that makes me tense up just saying it! I know I'm not alone, since almost 75% of Americans reported stress in the past 2 weeks according to the National Health Interview Survey. We all have different coping mechanisms when workloads get heavy, and social demands start to weigh us down. Some of us might turn to food, over or under eating, some may resort to exercise, going overboard or giving up, others build up tension and stress bringing drudgery to every day.

- Go for a walk. Something about the fresh air, no matter the time of year, helps me to clear my head, set priorities and work things out.
- Surround myself with friends- Friends that support and uplift me, who will inspire me, and reassure me that everything will work out.
- Get a manicure or pedicure. A moment of forced relaxation, by taking the time to treat myself to a beauty appointment
- Warm water- can you really feel bad when surrounded by warm water and bubbles, in a hot bath, hot tub, or sauna? As Slyvia Plath said, "There must be quite a few things that a hot bath won't cure, but I don't know many of them."

- Yoga, Mediation or Running helps to clear my mind, and make my see the silver linings.
- Make lists: Prioritizing what I need to tackle first, and writing it down helps reduce my anxiety
- Break Tasks down: Small steps are much easier to accomplish than giant leaps, so breaking down my to-do list into manageable parts helps to reduce the stress associated with it.

What are your proven stress reduction techniques?
I cook!